• Trees absorb greenhouse gases - climate change and women owned business

    At the intersection of Women Owned Business and Sustainability

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According to Project Drawdown, the world’s leading resource for climate solutions, improving the health and education of women and girls can reduce/sequester the equivalent of 85.42 gigatons of CO2 between 2021 and 2050.

Have you seen Katherine Wilkinson's TED talk about how empowering women and girls can help stop global warming?


Women, Girls and Global Warming

Resources, awareness, and education about empowering women to help stop global warming.

Personal Reflections

Sustainable Sisters Speak

Stories from women who are dedicating their lives to a better future..

Are you a Woman Business Owner?

Shall We Start Something Extraordinary?

Members of Sustainable Sisters™ will receive a badge that they can display prominently on their company websites and in their marketing material to show that they are making a contribution to reducing greenhouse gases by educating and empowering women worldwide. Want to learn more? Drop us a line and we'll reach out to you when we officially launch our membership.